This morning, a friend read to me an article from one of the local newspapers concerning the shocking revelation of child mathematic genius, Sufiah Yusuf and her involvement with prostitution. The paper interviewed a consultant psychiatrist with Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM), Prof Madya Dr Osman Che Bakar who said that Sufiah could be
suffering from a psychiatric illness - " psikiatri mania ".
According to the article, the doctor said, and I quote,
“.... kemungkinan Sufiah berhadapan dengan masalah mania yang antara simptom penyakit itu adalah keinginan seks meluap-luap, hiperaktif, terlalu ceria, berkeyakinan tinggi, berfikir dengan pantas, bertenaga, hilang keinginan tidur dan terlalu peramah...."
Sufiah probably suffers from a psychological problem - a 'maniac' , with symptoms amongst others, a great need for sex, hyperactive, too cheerful, great self- confidence, speed thinker, energetic, lost the need to sleep and too social.
My friend then turned to me and asked " Well, aren't you worried Noreane?"
Confused, I replied " Why? Should I be?"
"Well, I know I would. You're already showing some of the symptoms
highlighted by the doctor. Especially the cheerful bit. Excessive happiness, you know
- just like the movie Patch Adams. I don't have many friends. And I sure don't want my friend to turn into a maniac after this, touch wood!! "
Hmmmmm, now this is a tough choice.
Should I hug and thank her for her concern over my state of health - body, mind and soul? Or should I just spank this woman for her ridiculous but somehow, worrying thoughts????!!!
*Sigh* Thank you god - for giving me such 'supporting' friends.....