Monday 6 August 2007

'Tis But A Small World After All, Isn't It Darling?

I am a firm believer (well, sometimes not. I can be fickle minded at times) of the theory that everyone is separated by 6 degrees and all. The theory is proven just two weeks ago during hubby's cousin's wedding in Kuala Lumpur.

I love to read. Seriously. It's just nowadays I don't have much time for this hobby of mine as most of the time my nose is buried way, way deep in my law books. I guess that is what attracted me into taking up law ( though I suspect the main reason is because I wanted to feel 'smart' as most of the time I am a coconut head - according to someONE la kan ;) ). I love to read books, magazines, articles, notations, diaries, reports, thesies and eversince the world of internet was discovered, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading blogs. I have read, if not all, some of the blogs that have been posted online. Most of the blogs that I have read are by my friends - its a good way of keeping track of their progress and of their development, i.e. status, families even gossips. Other times I read blogs written by people that I do not know - strangers really who share the same passion as I do - writting. I have a few of which are my favourites and one of it I stumbled upon by coincidence, literary.

Back then in 2005, when my sister informed us of her intention to get married, I was automatically (or did i volunteered? Can't really remember now) elected as one of the committee members for the preparation of her wedding, a.k.a the younger sister-cum-event manager-cum-minah despatch-cum -trouble shooter-cum physchiatrist. Yes, planning a wedding can be QUITE stressful, if you know what I mean >;).

Anyway, I was surfing the net, looking for any websites or pictures of the 'pelamin' by Istana Kanopi (the same people who did mine) for along's wedding . A search through Google returned pages of result and one of the results returned was for a blog written by young lady named Izreen, mostly on her everyday adventures, work, family, friends. Basically it is about Izreen and her incidental issues. Now, mind you I have read quite a number of blogs but I have to say, hers is one of the most entertaining that I have had a chance upon - in my perspective anyway. Not trying to kiss arse here, but I just love reading her blog. The way she expresses her views, thoughts and stories are very entertaining. The words flow beautifully on the screen and I just cannot stop reading from one post to another. Indeed, I actually got to know Izreen even before I met her!!

When I saw her at hubby's cousin's wedding in KL two weeks ago, I could not believe my eyes. I mean, what are the chances of me bumping into her at this particular wedding, of all places? I had to pinch myself, just as a reminder that I am not dreaming and that no, I am not in front of the computer reading her blog, AGAIN!!. She was sitting just across from where I was, obliviously to the fact that I was gawking at her with my mouth hanging open and my eyes almost popping out of their sockets. I deliberated a few seconds, actually telling myself the pros and cons of introducing oneself to her and telling her," Hey, you don't know me but I know almost EVERYTHING about you and i think you're a GREAT writer." Of course the chances are that she might just freak out and sue me for harassment (she's a lawyer by the way) or she might just think I am one nutcase, going about striking up conversations with strangers. Long story short, I finally introduced myself to her and we had a good, but short, conversation. She looked very pleased when I told her that I am a fan of her blog and she gave me a few pointers on taking up law and such. Although, I have to tell you, what amazes me most about her is that she is EXACTLY as how I thought she would be, reading from her postings in her blog. Open, friendly, exuberant, glowing. * to her, I look like a bloody ogre with my panda like eyes and my pale sickly yellow skin :( .

Oh, yes. The six degrees of separation thing ? Well, hubby's cousin -the bride, is one of Izreen's best mate from high school. Imagine that, huh?

It is a small world after all, wouldn't you say so yourself? ;p

*p/s: Izreen darling, I hope you won't mind but I've put a link to your website on mine :) . Think of it as a Promotion : Free advertisement sempena Meyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Negara yang ke 50 tahun....heheheh

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooooh, i think you just made me blush there dearie!
heh heh, honestly i don't think i am that much of an entertaining person. but i'm glad you are a blogger too as i find your entries as entertaining as you do mine!
keep on writing, babes!