Monday 2 July 2007

Monday Blues

You know that you are going to have a bad day WHEN :

1. You accidentally burnt your favourite 'executive' top while ironing clothes to go to work that morning.

2. You are already late and just remembered that your car is low on fuel, thus you had to wait in line at the gas station near your house while swearing loudly (with the windows up of course!) at the bloke in front of you to quickly fill his tank.

3. Two out of three traffic lights is out of order therefore everyone had to be a dare-devil and 'merempit' while crossing the 4-junction on route to work and pray that no one will crash their vehicle against yours.

4. You switched on your computer and the system prompts you and said that they are experiencing a problem with the network connection so for most of the day, you will be isolated from the outside world.

5. The reports you naively volunteered to get it done during the weekend was a HUGE disappointment to your boss. While he did not scream or make any public spectacle about it, he did however gave you a piece (no, make it pieces!)of his mind, so much so you that you just felt like jumping out of his office window in an attempt to save of little dignity is left still - but stopped short of doing so because you realised that the jump will not kill you but instead most probably supply you with only a broken rib or two but most of all, a heavily bruised ego!

6. The bank called and gave you a nice lecture on the importance of prompt payment when in actual you are only short of RM 1.41 for your monthly credit card payment !

7. Lunch was a blaaaahhhhh!!! You ordered mee goreng basah letak daging (fried noodle with sauce & meat) but what you got instead was just "basah" only. The noodle tasted more like damp threads while the daging (meat) .....well, where the bloody hell are they???!!!

8. Your boss is obviously still upset with you and looked like a character from "Hellboy" minus the broken horns, red skin and tail.

9. Your boss caught you messaging your friend telling her about him.

10. When submitting the amended report as instructed by your boss, you happen to see your semi-annual performance and assessment form on his desk and saw the comment box under the 'achievements- up- to- date' column - blank.

By 5:20 p.m. I was seriously contemplating on whether to make that jump over boss's window or just hand in my resignation letter. I mean, why bother staying on if your boss does not find you competent or worthy enough for the job?

I went to the ladies first before making the move home. Boss was in his office, getting ready to go back. By the time I got back to my desk to take my bag and keys, I saw the reports I've submitted earlier on my table with a note attached to it.

Wel, well, well.....not bad, ehhh? Not bad afterall :) .


Anonymous said...

Alas, all is not lost huh? Take it easy my friend...:-) You do have the tendency to worry on almost everythg and get all hyped up about it... Take one day at a time sweetie...ONE...DAY...AT...A...TIME..

TY23 said...

sabar.. sabar.. life is like that.. Just take small steps.. Plan, Plan, Execute. Fail? Plan B, Execute. hehehe

Anonymous said... ge0rge can get thr0ugh anything..huhu..